Hi there! If you’re reading this, I actually published this blog (lol). I am notorious for creating blogs, making a post or two, and then abandoning them. By my count, I’ve done this to at least ten blogs. My only “successful” blog was one about ten years ago, but the focus area was the Neopets website and a book series called Warriors about cats… not exactly my interests nowadays. But! Here we are, trying again. I always seem to be drawn back to writing posts/writing in general, and to spare my poor Facebook friends from long posts every day, I decided to return to the world of blogging.

Instead of choosing a gimmicky name for my blog (this time), I just went with my first name and middle initial. It sounds the best to me as is (and spares me the fate of a blog name that doesn’t match my main interest–since I don’t really have a main interest here). I like to talk & share my thoughts about anything and everything, so that’s really what this will be.

Here goes!